Does This Church Make Look
I picked up this book because I loved Mennonite in a Little Black Dress, and expected it to be, as second books often are, not as good as the first one but with a few funny bits to make it worth buying. I wasn't disappointed; Her descriptions of Mitch rival those of her mother in the first book - character sketches that are so good you feel like you know and love the person as much as she does. Even when dealing with breast cancer, her off-kilter humor just slightly this side of the line of tastefulness, is honest and real. It reminds me a little of Anne Lamott and Kelly Corrigan and Anne Tyler.
I think what I liked the most about this book is that not very many people understand what it is like to be a Ph.D. raised as a Christian literalist, then skeptic and trying to find a way back when the whole Christian thing seems patriarchal, homophobic, and ridiculous.
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Well my fiance decided that he wanted to get married in a church that fits like 500 people, but our wedding will only consist of like 50 people. I was wondering how i could pull all the attention to the middle and not make the church look so huge?? How to make it more personal?
BalasHapusPeople give 10 percent of their income to churches... that's a hell of a lot of money when you add up the money from everyone who donates. If you give tithe to your church, do you even know what they do with it? Are you sure they're not spending it on useless things. Useless includes making the church look nicer. I would rather donate to organizations that have a specific cause like saving lives in Africa. You know what your money is being done with.
BalasHapusI need to know what a Methodist church looks like and reasons for this and also some symbols in a church. Thank you in advance for any answers.
BalasHapusI know for a fact that my brother's friend (he is 23) who goes to church looks at pornography. It bothers me a lot. Should I pray for him or should I also tell someone at church maybe the pastor so they can talk with him? I don't think a girl should talk to a guy about this kind of thing and my brother won't do it.
BalasHapusCould someone give me details. I need two paragraphs. One on how Buddhism service is ran. Another on how the Buddhism church looks. Please help
BalasHapusHow does the Catholic Church look at the practice of animal sacrifice? I know iot use to be done at the temple or a special place...pls help me
BalasHapusIm working on missions. (Im in my fourth grade). What does the mission santa barbara church look like and can you tell me some information about it! THANKS, TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW!
BalasHapusWhy did some authors in the 1500s write about how beautiful the church looked like in Catholic time?