Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Battaglia Mafia Series Continue to Pack a Punch!!!

Karen Kane Womens Plus Size Sleeved

Karen Kane Womens Plus Size Sleeved

I just completed the third installment of Battaglia (La Sposa). This was an awesome read as it answered a lot of questions I had from the previous 2 books. I enjoyed the history and background of the characters. I was glad to see Catalina's growth, but the jury is still out with me about her relationship with Domi. Giovanni has revealed in a big way a character flaw that we always knew existed; insecurity, impatience, and a bit of deceit, but it is now in full bloom. I understand his "why's" to a certain extent, but since he and Mirabella exchanged vows, he has become rather twisted about the concept of marriage in my opinion... too many secrets on various levels and truths by omission. Mirabella is not has fragile he thinks she is. Mira is WOMAN, she's much stronger than he gives her credit for being and she's pregnant. (Gio never thought about the stress he's put her through during pre-wedding prep, honeymoon and the shade he threw her in the boxing cellar).

I am glad to see the Marietta's character introduced, hope all works well for her in the pursuit of her family and her love interest; it will probably be a roller coaster ride. Lorenzo is still chasing a means to an end in his deceitful indiscretion(s). He's getting in deeper and deeper. I think he and Marietta have good qualities beneath the fa�ade; however, I think they are both broken due to childhood issues. Rosetta... not getting a good vibe. Isabella seems to be so much like her biological mother! Scary!

Now that I have the history of some of the characters, I think I am better prepared to really understand the rest of the series. I can hardly wait for the next installment. This one was very informative and riveting. All kinds of personalities, past and present, just exploded off the page! Great read.

Get your Karen Kane Womens Plus Size Sleeved Now!

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Battaglia Mafia Series Continue to Pack a Punch!!!

Sposa Battaglia Mafia Series ebook

Sposa Battaglia Mafia Series ebook

I just completed the third installment of Battaglia (La Sposa). This was an awesome read as it answered a lot of questions I had from the previous 2 books. I enjoyed the history and background of the characters. I was glad to see Catalina's growth, but the jury is still out with me about her relationship with Domi. Giovanni has revealed in a big way a character flaw that we always knew existed; insecurity, impatience, and a bit of deceit, but it is now in full bloom. I understand his "why's" to a certain extent, but since he and Mirabella exchanged vows, he has become rather twisted about the concept of marriage in my opinion... too many secrets on various levels and truths by omission. Mirabella is not has fragile he thinks she is. Mira is WOMAN, she's much stronger than he gives her credit for being and she's pregnant. (Gio never thought about the stress he's put her through during pre-wedding prep, honeymoon and the shade he threw her in the boxing cellar).

I am glad to see the Marietta's character introduced, hope all works well for her in the pursuit of her family and her love interest; it will probably be a roller coaster ride. Lorenzo is still chasing a means to an end in his deceitful indiscretion(s). He's getting in deeper and deeper. I think he and Marietta have good qualities beneath the fa�ade; however, I think they are both broken due to childhood issues. Rosetta... not getting a good vibe. Isabella seems to be so much like her biological mother! Scary!

Now that I have the history of some of the characters, I think I am better prepared to really understand the rest of the series. I can hardly wait for the next installment. This one was very informative and riveting. All kinds of personalities, past and present, just exploded off the page! Great read.

Get your Sposa Battaglia Mafia Series ebook Now!

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Fabulous summer read! Or any other season too.

Mennonite Little Black Dress Memoir

Mennonite Little Black Dress Memoir

I know I'm late in my review, but after falling in love with this book I could not help but want to check out how much others must have loved it as well. To my surprise, and to my dismay, this incredibly hilarious, well-written, touching, honest, and descriptive recount of a woman's life has caused quite the controversy and in return received some undeserving reviews; many of which are not based on the quality of writing or the content, but the author herself and the validity/worthiness of her life experiences. I cannot be convinced that rating Ms. Janzen as a human being is the same as rating her memoir (which she openly and hilariously mocks herself and her life choices in).
If you are looking to read a memoir that is not honest, that does not have sad moments to it, that is not an attempt at accurately portraying the difficulties or realities of life then this book is not for you. You may want to consider reading the memoir of Paris Hilton (if she has one) instead. Rhoda Janzen is an actual human being who has had actual life experiences that may actually cause you to feel things, and she talks about them, and she does not sugar coat them, and that is actually one of the best parts of this book!
Her narration is lovely. Her honesty is bold. Her ability to assess her life circumstances and to openly dialogue about her faith, her upbringing, and her convictions is genuine (even if I do not understand or agree with all of them). Rhoda is a wonderful author and Mennonite in a Little Black Dress is a great memoir that I was truly touched by and would recommend to anyone.

Get your Mennonite Little Black Dress Memoir Now!

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012

Transparent and engaging

Does This Church Make Look

Does This Church Make Look

I picked up this book because I loved Mennonite in a Little Black Dress, and expected it to be, as second books often are, not as good as the first one but with a few funny bits to make it worth buying. I wasn't disappointed; Her descriptions of Mitch rival those of her mother in the first book - character sketches that are so good you feel like you know and love the person as much as she does. Even when dealing with breast cancer, her off-kilter humor just slightly this side of the line of tastefulness, is honest and real. It reminds me a little of Anne Lamott and Kelly Corrigan and Anne Tyler.

I think what I liked the most about this book is that not very many people understand what it is like to be a Ph.D. raised as a Christian literalist, then skeptic and trying to find a way back when the whole Christian thing seems patriarchal, homophobic, and ridiculous.

Get your Does This Church Make Look Now!

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Sticky hot

Bind Me Roommate Romance ebook

Bind Me Roommate Romance ebook

Oh! Wow! This was a steamy read. Defiantly a must read!!

Lily had a suspicion that her roommate Chaz was a take control kind of guy. So when she walks in on Chaz dominating another woman she finds out she was right about Chaz being dominating. But what shocks her most was that she was attracted to Chaz even more after that. So to gain his attention she started to submit to Chaz in their daily everyday life. Lily is really pleased and shocked when Chaz asks her to go with him to his art show and she willing agrees to go. After getting dressed up, aiming to please Chaz, Chaz can't keep his eyes off Lily all night. As the night continued on Chaz is unable to resist Lily anymore and Lily's fantasy about being Chaz's is finally coming true.

This was a very nice short story and I really enjoyed it!! The writing was descriptive and well written. I look forward to what the author will write next!

Get your Bind Me Roommate Romance ebook Now!

Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

he's the Boss for sure

Clarks Control Alluring Romance ebook

Clarks Control Alluring Romance ebook

The sword of truth is an incredable serie that is very disputed about. there are mainly two schools of thought: this is a great, original series that is worth reading many times; or, this is a very overused and cliched idea and nothing really worth reading.

I think that it is the first, and not the latter. I basiclly read only one gnerea of books and that is the sci-fi/fantasy novels and more the fantasy. I just soak up all the fantasy books I can get my hands on. That being said I know original ideas when I see them in my opion this is a orininal idea.

this is the story about a man named Richard which is funny becuase he is the only person is the book who has a normal name. anyways Richard turns out to be the seeker which is this guy who gets the sword of truth, which has magical powers, and is saposed to find answers to questions the seeker wishes to know, hence the sword of TRUTH.

throught the book he is trying to thwart the bad guy Darken rhal because rhal is tring to access this ancient magic over life itself.

the second book and the third have equally bad things that Richard Kahlen and all the other charachters have to overcome.

anyways wizards firt rule is a great begining to a great fantasy series. and I would give this series ten stars if i could the first book i read so fast and bumbed it up to my favortite book and then i read the second and third books and they were even better.

this is a great series and i would recomended it to anyone with the exception of a younger person mabye ten or eleven or younger.

I say this not because it is especially difficult to read. I am 14 and me and some of my SAME AGE FRIENDS loved it. i say that because this is a true to life book one of the reasons i loved it. when i say true to life i mean there was everyting from tortureing and sadeism to lesbian lovers to rape all descriped in more length than an average fight sence.

like i said, i enjoyed it because i thought that it was more true to life and not watered down when most books are. this is not to say don't read this book all the stuff mentioned above is not the main part of the book. one of the main themes throughout the book is a love between Richard and Khalen. and friendships aswell.

this is a great begining and i can't wait to get the fourth book and start it.

Get your Clarks Control Alluring Romance ebook Now!

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Wizard's First Rule, Stone of Tears, and Blood of the Fold

The Sword Truth Boxed Books

The Sword Truth Boxed Books

The sword of truth is an incredable serie that is very disputed about. there are mainly two schools of thought: this is a great, original series that is worth reading many times; or, this is a very overused and cliched idea and nothing really worth reading.

I think that it is the first, and not the latter. I basiclly read only one gnerea of books and that is the sci-fi/fantasy novels and more the fantasy. I just soak up all the fantasy books I can get my hands on. That being said I know original ideas when I see them in my opion this is a orininal idea.

this is the story about a man named Richard which is funny becuase he is the only person is the book who has a normal name. anyways Richard turns out to be the seeker which is this guy who gets the sword of truth, which has magical powers, and is saposed to find answers to questions the seeker wishes to know, hence the sword of TRUTH.

throught the book he is trying to thwart the bad guy Darken rhal because rhal is tring to access this ancient magic over life itself.

the second book and the third have equally bad things that Richard Kahlen and all the other charachters have to overcome.

anyways wizards firt rule is a great begining to a great fantasy series. and I would give this series ten stars if i could the first book i read so fast and bumbed it up to my favortite book and then i read the second and third books and they were even better.

this is a great series and i would recomended it to anyone with the exception of a younger person mabye ten or eleven or younger.

I say this not because it is especially difficult to read. I am 14 and me and some of my SAME AGE FRIENDS loved it. i say that because this is a true to life book one of the reasons i loved it. when i say true to life i mean there was everyting from tortureing and sadeism to lesbian lovers to rape all descriped in more length than an average fight sence.

like i said, i enjoyed it because i thought that it was more true to life and not watered down when most books are. this is not to say don't read this book all the stuff mentioned above is not the main part of the book. one of the main themes throughout the book is a love between Richard and Khalen. and friendships aswell.

this is a great begining and i can't wait to get the fourth book and start it.

Get your The Sword Truth Boxed Books Now!

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Lot's Of Sissy Stuff This Time

Dominant Submissive Femdom Stories ebook

Dominant Submissive Femdom Stories ebook

The interesting thing about the detective in this detective mystery is that he is not a detective at all, not technically anyway. Easy Rawlins is an African American living in post-war Los Angeles who just wants to make a good living and enjoy a quiet life in his own home. However, when he's laid off, he can't make his mortgage and he's going to lose his house and he would rather do anything than that. He finds, though, that he has to do more than he bargained for. All of a sudden, Easy is a detective, one whose reward becomes remaining alive. Though he isn't your average detective, Easy does a good job of keeping himself low and hunting for the facts. Surprisingly enough, he exerts great intuition when it comes to detecting and manages to keep himself afloat, despite all the hurtles that are thrown his way. Mosley does a great job of capturing a people, a culture, and a place that we don't get to read much about. He keeps us involved, not only in Easy's character, but in the character of the times, providing vivid images of seedy jazz clubs, dangerous underground bars, and dark alleys. Throughout the book, you get to see, firsthand, what it would be like to be an African American war veteran in the 1940s in Los Angeles, California. The reader experiences the racial prejudices and the struggle to find a job to support your family as well as the excitement of the fast-faced metropolis and the music of local clubs. These two facets of the novel, the culture and the detective mystery, make this book a wonderful addition to the detective mystery genre.

Get your Dominant Submissive Femdom Stories ebook Now!

Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

An Unforgettable Debut

Devil Blue Dress Rawlins Mysteries

Devil Blue Dress Rawlins Mysteries

The interesting thing about the detective in this detective mystery is that he is not a detective at all, not technically anyway. Easy Rawlins is an African American living in post-war Los Angeles who just wants to make a good living and enjoy a quiet life in his own home. However, when he's laid off, he can't make his mortgage and he's going to lose his house and he would rather do anything than that. He finds, though, that he has to do more than he bargained for. All of a sudden, Easy is a detective, one whose reward becomes remaining alive. Though he isn't your average detective, Easy does a good job of keeping himself low and hunting for the facts. Surprisingly enough, he exerts great intuition when it comes to detecting and manages to keep himself afloat, despite all the hurtles that are thrown his way. Mosley does a great job of capturing a people, a culture, and a place that we don't get to read much about. He keeps us involved, not only in Easy's character, but in the character of the times, providing vivid images of seedy jazz clubs, dangerous underground bars, and dark alleys. Throughout the book, you get to see, firsthand, what it would be like to be an African American war veteran in the 1940s in Los Angeles, California. The reader experiences the racial prejudices and the struggle to find a job to support your family as well as the excitement of the fast-faced metropolis and the music of local clubs. These two facets of the novel, the culture and the detective mystery, make this book a wonderful addition to the detective mystery genre.

Get your Devil Blue Dress Rawlins Mysteries Now!

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

An Iconic Private Eye Resurrected

Little Green Easy Rawlins Mystery

Little Green Easy Rawlins Mystery

First off, it's been such a long time between books and I truly thought the last book Blonde Faith was the last but with the way Easy ended up in the shape he was in, I knew good and well there was more to come. The sad thing is that we had to wait a good five and a half years to get it. Anyway, in the book, a good two months pass and Easy is slowly coming out of his coma from the accident he was in at the end of the last one. And already his ace coon boon, has a request that he look for a lost young boy who was last known to be in the company of hippies. So, Easy enlists the help of master herbalist and seer Mama Jo, who helps him get back on this side of the world with an elixir that will give him strength he needs to finish the case and get his health back on track. Of course, with Easy and Mouse not too far behind, you know there is surely to be some mayhem, murder and bodies to come with it. For the Mosley fans, this book won't(or may)disappoint you. my thing is I forgot what went down in the last book so as to catch up with this book but still the read to me kept me glued in. not at first, but with time and things started to work out, I got caught up in it and had to get it to the very end.

Get your Little Green Easy Rawlins Mystery Now!

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

I can't say enough good things about this book

Help Deluxe Edition Kathryn Stockett

Help Deluxe Edition Kathryn Stockett

This book stopped me working. I recently finished the final book in Steig Larson's trilogy and felt slightly bereft that it was over. I tried Tess Gerritson's latest book but it felt trite in comparison to Larson. I browsed the Kindle page and downloaded loads of first chapters but none of them caught my attention. And then I stumbled upon The Help. I was grabbed from the first page. The story is based on the injustices and hypocrisies in 1960's Mississippi where back women are good enough to bring up white babies but not good enough to use the same toilet. Despite the obvious loathing some of the maids feel for their bosses, there is real love for the babies they bring up. The story is told from three perspectives, two maids and a white woman who stumbles upon these injustices whilst looking for a way to become a journalist. The story is beautifully written, sad, funny and a damn good read. I was as sorry when it ended as I was when I finished the Larson trilogy. At least now I'll be able to do some work.

Get your Help Deluxe Edition Kathryn Stockett Now!

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

The Favorite Novel of the Baseball Gods

The Natural Bernard Malamud

The Natural Bernard Malamud

"The Natural" is a story filled with metaphors as it follows the life of a baseball player named Roy Hobbs. He is a young man in the prime of his career and is on his way to Chicago to join the Cubs. At this point, things were looking great for Roy's baseball career, but then tragedy strikes. On his first night in Chicago, he's seduced by a woman who then shoots him. Roy survives, but the injury is a major setback. After years of rehab and playing for the minor leagues, Roy is brought up to play for the New York Knights, the worse team in Major League Baseball. Playing as a rookie in his 30's, Roy makes a big impact on the struggling franchise and quickly becomes a sensation in the baseball world. A lot of mystery surrounds him though, because no one knows anything about his past, which he refuses to talk about.

Bernard Malamud does a great job crafting this story which illustrates the highs and lows of Hobbs' baseball career. When you look at it from a metaphorical point of view, what happens to Hobbs is what happens to a lot of athletes both then and today, which makes this story feel even more realistic. There's a lot of character development and the plot has a lot of twists and turns from beginning to end. The ending is a little unpredictable, and it's not a feel-good ending by any means, but it's symbolically appropriate when you look back at all the events in the story that led up to this point.

Overall, this is a great book that every sports fan needs to read. It's not the most uplifting story you'll ever read, but it examines the life of a typical star athlete from a metaphorical point of view. Anyone whose seen the movie needs to read this regardless of their opinion of the movie. There are some similarities, but the differences are monumental. The movie is basically an optimistic feel-good story, which wasn't the point of the book at all. This is a lot better than the movie, and it's definitely worth reading.

Get your The Natural Bernard Malamud Now!

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Sean what am i gonna do w/ u

The Arrangement 6 ebook

The Arrangement 6 ebook

H M Ward does it again with the next installment to the love story of Avery and Sean. I was not sure how she was going to recover after the cliffhanger in the last book...but she does and I am even more in love with Avery and Sean. I was in the middle of another book waiting for this one to come out and I stoped reading the other book just to read what was happening next for Sean and Avery, (and I have OCD and to not finish one thing and start another is totally out of character for me) I am so wrapped up in these two that I miss them when I am done reading not to mention that H M is the most amazing at leaving us wanting for with her Cliffhangers :) SO if you have not ready the Arrangement series start now you will not be sorry. In fact read all of H M books I have not been disapointed in any of them.

Get your The Arrangement 6 ebook Now!

Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

Allegra K Woman Single Shoulder Hugging Mini Dress Solid Black XS

Japanese Cosplay Lolita French Costume

Japanese Cosplay Lolita French Costume

Mike Hammer is awaken in a hotel room being slapped by a detective in VENGEANCE IS MINE by Mickey Spillane. His army friend whit whom he spent the evening drinking and remembering is dead beside the bed. Chester Wheeler's death is ruled a suicide as Mike's gun was the instrument of death and it is in the man's hand.
Mike is shaken when the DA takes his license and his gun though it is proven that Mike didn't fire the gun. When Homicide Captain Pat Chambers empties the gun there are only four bullets. Mike's gun alway held six -- Wheeler's death wasn't a suicide, but murder.
Without a licence Mike takes to the streets while his secretary Velma become the boss. Their search through the underworld and society's play grounds opens a simple murder to a wide open case of blackmail and gambling.
A fast read of one of the best.
Nash Black, author of HAINTS.

Get your Japanese Cosplay Lolita French Costume Now!

Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Allegra K Woman Single Shoulder Hugging Mini Dress Solid Black XS

Allegra Woman Single Shoulder Hugging

Allegra Woman Single Shoulder Hugging

Mike Hammer is awaken in a hotel room being slapped by a detective in VENGEANCE IS MINE by Mickey Spillane. His army friend whit whom he spent the evening drinking and remembering is dead beside the bed. Chester Wheeler's death is ruled a suicide as Mike's gun was the instrument of death and it is in the man's hand.
Mike is shaken when the DA takes his license and his gun though it is proven that Mike didn't fire the gun. When Homicide Captain Pat Chambers empties the gun there are only four bullets. Mike's gun alway held six -- Wheeler's death wasn't a suicide, but murder.
Without a licence Mike takes to the streets while his secretary Velma become the boss. Their search through the underworld and society's play grounds opens a simple murder to a wide open case of blackmail and gambling.
A fast read of one of the best.
Nash Black, author of HAINTS.

Get your Allegra Woman Single Shoulder Hugging Now!

Minggu, 11 Maret 2012

This Time It's Personal

Vengeance Mine Mike Hammer ebook

Vengeance Mine Mike Hammer ebook

Mike Hammer is awaken in a hotel room being slapped by a detective in VENGEANCE IS MINE by Mickey Spillane. His army friend whit whom he spent the evening drinking and remembering is dead beside the bed. Chester Wheeler's death is ruled a suicide as Mike's gun was the instrument of death and it is in the man's hand.
Mike is shaken when the DA takes his license and his gun though it is proven that Mike didn't fire the gun. When Homicide Captain Pat Chambers empties the gun there are only four bullets. Mike's gun alway held six -- Wheeler's death wasn't a suicide, but murder.
Without a licence Mike takes to the streets while his secretary Velma become the boss. Their search through the underworld and society's play grounds opens a simple murder to a wide open case of blackmail and gambling.
A fast read of one of the best.
Nash Black, author of HAINTS.

Get your Vengeance Mine Mike Hammer ebook Now!

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

My Trivial Life And Misfortune : Meum and Tuum

My Trivial Life And Misfortune

My Trivial Life And Misfortune

My Trivial Life And Misfortune : Meum And Tuum was written by my Great Great Aunt Ally Ingham , known in the family as Tally , she was also a gifted artist .
This book was first published by G.P.Putnam's Sons New York 1883 , I have an original first two volumes .
The book was published in America , because family members were caricatured in the book ; there was a fear they might recognise themselves .
Eventually they did read the books and were very angry .
This is an amazing story of what it was like to be a plain young girl coming out in London society . Apart from soirees to raise money to buy pyjamas for the Hareem of the Sultan , I recall a touching scene where she is trapped behind an Aspedistra and hears a group of mothers discussing her very unkindly . Her mother is a widow and rather shy ; they are socially organised by an aunt who is completely nuts . The aunt wears a silk dress in black and canary yellow stripes with points at the bottom . This dress belonged to an elder sister , very tall and simple , my father once wore it for a fancy dress party and it has been in my posession too .
The second volume Meum An Tuum is again a very moving story that depicts the life of a single woman . They are now living in a country house with an Uncle , but his nutty wife rules the roost and makes life very uncomfortable . One gets an immage of gentry living slightly beyond their means , the house very cold in winter , one horse and carriage to be used sparingly . There is a most beautiful love scene , that makes my heart stop . These two volumes give an insight to the sad life of a single woman in the Victorian era , I strongly recommend it .

Get your My Trivial Life And Misfortune Now!

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

A diversity of tales for a diverse audience.

Silhouette Sparrow Molly Beth Griffin

Silhouette Sparrow Molly Beth Griffin

I loved the story of Daniel and Cynda, found it to be a beautifully written account of an interracial couple in the deep South, thrown together through circumstance, and their journey together toward a lasting love, which neither expected, but both wanted desperately, Daniel most of all, I think. This is the second in the series, and I loved it as much, if not more than the first. I will read the entire series, I was hooked from the beginning on the Devilish DeMarco Men, strong, willful brothers, all with a depth and character not immediately apparent. For those who didn't "get" this family from reading this book in part or in full, I would suggest starting at the beginning with Colton's story, though I would agree each can stand alone, I also feel that reading them in order gives one an insight into the family as a whole, not gained here.
There is strong sexual content,that is the genre, after all, BUT let me say that IMHO that it is such a small part of what this book is about, that it plays no part whatsoever in my opinion of the story. The fact that there IS a family and that there IS a beautiful, and very moving story behind it makes it unique in itself.
Cynda is FAR more than she appears from reading the first few chapters, her character was written with such strength,she made me laugh, made my heart ache, and made me love her....I find Ms Connor to be an extremely talented writer, who makes you fall in love with a family of mixed up, tormented brothers, and the strong, loving, and unforgettable women that find, and choose to keep them. She writes with insight, sensitivity, and a caring for this fictional family that is lacking in so many books of this genre. I strongly recommend not just Wildly Inappropriate, but the entire series, I can hardly wait for the next one!!!

Get your Silhouette Sparrow Molly Beth Griffin Now!

Kamis, 08 Maret 2012

A diversity of tales for a diverse audience.

Madame Gres Sculptural Olivier Saillard

Madame Gres Sculptural Olivier Saillard

I loved the story of Daniel and Cynda, found it to be a beautifully written account of an interracial couple in the deep South, thrown together through circumstance, and their journey together toward a lasting love, which neither expected, but both wanted desperately, Daniel most of all, I think. This is the second in the series, and I loved it as much, if not more than the first. I will read the entire series, I was hooked from the beginning on the Devilish DeMarco Men, strong, willful brothers, all with a depth and character not immediately apparent. For those who didn't "get" this family from reading this book in part or in full, I would suggest starting at the beginning with Colton's story, though I would agree each can stand alone, I also feel that reading them in order gives one an insight into the family as a whole, not gained here.
There is strong sexual content,that is the genre, after all, BUT let me say that IMHO that it is such a small part of what this book is about, that it plays no part whatsoever in my opinion of the story. The fact that there IS a family and that there IS a beautiful, and very moving story behind it makes it unique in itself.
Cynda is FAR more than she appears from reading the first few chapters, her character was written with such strength,she made me laugh, made my heart ache, and made me love her....I find Ms Connor to be an extremely talented writer, who makes you fall in love with a family of mixed up, tormented brothers, and the strong, loving, and unforgettable women that find, and choose to keep them. She writes with insight, sensitivity, and a caring for this fictional family that is lacking in so many books of this genre. I strongly recommend not just Wildly Inappropriate, but the entire series, I can hardly wait for the next one!!!

Get your Madame Gres Sculptural Olivier Saillard Now!

Rabu, 07 Maret 2012

A diversity of tales for a diverse audience.

The Queen Cambion Seven Others

The Queen Cambion Seven Others

I loved the story of Daniel and Cynda, found it to be a beautifully written account of an interracial couple in the deep South, thrown together through circumstance, and their journey together toward a lasting love, which neither expected, but both wanted desperately, Daniel most of all, I think. This is the second in the series, and I loved it as much, if not more than the first. I will read the entire series, I was hooked from the beginning on the Devilish DeMarco Men, strong, willful brothers, all with a depth and character not immediately apparent. For those who didn't "get" this family from reading this book in part or in full, I would suggest starting at the beginning with Colton's story, though I would agree each can stand alone, I also feel that reading them in order gives one an insight into the family as a whole, not gained here.
There is strong sexual content,that is the genre, after all, BUT let me say that IMHO that it is such a small part of what this book is about, that it plays no part whatsoever in my opinion of the story. The fact that there IS a family and that there IS a beautiful, and very moving story behind it makes it unique in itself.
Cynda is FAR more than she appears from reading the first few chapters, her character was written with such strength,she made me laugh, made my heart ache, and made me love her....I find Ms Connor to be an extremely talented writer, who makes you fall in love with a family of mixed up, tormented brothers, and the strong, loving, and unforgettable women that find, and choose to keep them. She writes with insight, sensitivity, and a caring for this fictional family that is lacking in so many books of this genre. I strongly recommend not just Wildly Inappropriate, but the entire series, I can hardly wait for the next one!!!

Get your The Queen Cambion Seven Others Now!

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Laughing out loud

Gorgeous Paul Rudnick

Gorgeous Paul Rudnick

I loved the story of Daniel and Cynda, found it to be a beautifully written account of an interracial couple in the deep South, thrown together through circumstance, and their journey together toward a lasting love, which neither expected, but both wanted desperately, Daniel most of all, I think. This is the second in the series, and I loved it as much, if not more than the first. I will read the entire series, I was hooked from the beginning on the Devilish DeMarco Men, strong, willful brothers, all with a depth and character not immediately apparent. For those who didn't "get" this family from reading this book in part or in full, I would suggest starting at the beginning with Colton's story, though I would agree each can stand alone, I also feel that reading them in order gives one an insight into the family as a whole, not gained here.
There is strong sexual content,that is the genre, after all, BUT let me say that IMHO that it is such a small part of what this book is about, that it plays no part whatsoever in my opinion of the story. The fact that there IS a family and that there IS a beautiful, and very moving story behind it makes it unique in itself.
Cynda is FAR more than she appears from reading the first few chapters, her character was written with such strength,she made me laugh, made my heart ache, and made me love her....I find Ms Connor to be an extremely talented writer, who makes you fall in love with a family of mixed up, tormented brothers, and the strong, loving, and unforgettable women that find, and choose to keep them. She writes with insight, sensitivity, and a caring for this fictional family that is lacking in so many books of this genre. I strongly recommend not just Wildly Inappropriate, but the entire series, I can hardly wait for the next one!!!

Get your Gorgeous Paul Rudnick Now!

Senin, 05 Maret 2012


Wildly Inappropriate Those Devilish ebook

Wildly Inappropriate Those Devilish ebook

I loved the story of Daniel and Cynda, found it to be a beautifully written account of an interracial couple in the deep South, thrown together through circumstance, and their journey together toward a lasting love, which neither expected, but both wanted desperately, Daniel most of all, I think. This is the second in the series, and I loved it as much, if not more than the first. I will read the entire series, I was hooked from the beginning on the Devilish DeMarco Men, strong, willful brothers, all with a depth and character not immediately apparent. For those who didn't "get" this family from reading this book in part or in full, I would suggest starting at the beginning with Colton's story, though I would agree each can stand alone, I also feel that reading them in order gives one an insight into the family as a whole, not gained here.
There is strong sexual content,that is the genre, after all, BUT let me say that IMHO that it is such a small part of what this book is about, that it plays no part whatsoever in my opinion of the story. The fact that there IS a family and that there IS a beautiful, and very moving story behind it makes it unique in itself.
Cynda is FAR more than she appears from reading the first few chapters, her character was written with such strength,she made me laugh, made my heart ache, and made me love her....I find Ms Connor to be an extremely talented writer, who makes you fall in love with a family of mixed up, tormented brothers, and the strong, loving, and unforgettable women that find, and choose to keep them. She writes with insight, sensitivity, and a caring for this fictional family that is lacking in so many books of this genre. I strongly recommend not just Wildly Inappropriate, but the entire series, I can hardly wait for the next one!!!

Get your Wildly Inappropriate Those Devilish ebook Now!

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

A highly entertaining read from an author I hope to hear more from.

Can Barely Take Care Myself

Can Barely Take Care Myself

There is nothing I don't like about Jen Kirkman. I was first introduced to Jen when after I had read Heather McDonald's book and I caught a clip of a Facts of Life parody from Chelsea Lately in which she played Jo. I was instantly drawn to her as a performer. As I aspiring comedienne and child free by choice 34 year old women I felt compelled to read this book when I heard about it. I loved EVERY second of it. This book is more than just being about not wanting kids. It spoke to me on different levels. Also, it was definitely the book I should have been reading at the moment. I feel so much of Jen's life growing up mirrored my own in many ways. It is refreshing and comforting to know someone you admire had similar experiences as you. I loved how she embraces who she is as person and as a former theatre geek, as well as stand by her convictions in her choice to not having kids. And she does it all in a positive and honest light. That is one of my favorite things about her. She doesn't apologize for who she is and what she believes in. This book has inspired me to continue on with my comedy and not be afraid to be who I am, as well as sticking by my reasons for not wanting kids. I urge you to read this if you are child free by choice or if you want just want a good read. You should support this funny lady, because she has so much to offer. I cannot wait for book two!

Get your Can Barely Take Care Myself Now!

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Loved it!

Killer Crinolines Consignment Shop Mystery

Killer Crinolines Consignment Shop Mystery

Killer in Crinolines starts with Duffy Brown thanking her Street Team. I have to admit I am a team member. When I agreed to tell people about Duffy's books, I knew the titles and not a whole lot more. I have had the pleasure of reading two wonderful mysteries since then. I highly recommend her consignment shop mysteries to any mystery lover.

The characters are well developed. You will love Reagan and hate her ex-husband Hollis. How can you not fall in love with a dog named Bruce Willis who loves hot dogs. There is Aunt KiKi who quotes Cher and is married to heart surgeon called Putter because he carries one. Then there is Walter Boone - who is eye candy for the Belly Dancers Reagan teaches. From a groom found face down in a wedding cake to the last period in the book we are in Savannah, Georgia. I wish I could taste the donuts that Reagan loves or could drink any drink that tastes like Snickers.

Reagan is loyal to her friends. She knows from the beginning that Chantilly could not be a murderer. She has to find the real killer to free her friend without getting killed in the process. I am looking forward to Reagan's adventures in the next book.

Get your Killer Crinolines Consignment Shop Mystery Now!

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Striking cover; beautful production values; great book!

Mickey Spillanes Files Mike Hammer

Mickey Spillanes Files Mike Hammer

Just received my copy of From the Files of... Mike Hammer and I couldn't be more impressed. I was quite surprised to read a rather negative review taking issue with the book's cover, design and quality. The cover is indeed eye-catching and really captures the mood of the strip. The cover is not an over-done incoherent mess, like many other reprint book covers, but a elegant images that jumps right out at you. The dis-satisfied customer obviously doesn't know or appreciate what an art book is, as that's the treatment given by Hermes to Mike Hammer. I would note that the other "reviewer" raves about a number of mediocre books by other publishers with nothing short of raves. But, back to Mike Hammer, the printing is sharp and clear, the size of the strips is large and easy to read and the Sunday's look great. I took the time to call the Production Manager at Hermes Press and he told me that the people who worked on this book all work for Hermes Press in their graphic design department and they work on all the company's books. He also explained that the material for the Sundays was indeed the original tabloids supplied by Max Allan Collins. This book not only includes all the dailies and Sundays (in fantastic color) but two essays by Max Allan Collins, a section on the restoration of the strips, and a chapter on Mike Hammer in Popular culture. This is a beautifully designed artbook in the classic sense of what art books are. Highly recommended.

Get your Mickey Spillanes Files Mike Hammer Now!

Kamis, 01 Maret 2012

Deliciously tense historical fiction!

The Turncoat Renegades Revolution

The Turncoat Renegades Revolution

I am going to start this review off by saying this isn't a Romance, even though it is being reviewed on several Romance sites. I am usually a reader of historical romance, because straight historical fiction tends to bore me to tears. Nothing about this book even approximates boring. It held me riveted... I mean, "take a long lunch break" kind of riveted, because I couldn't bear to put it down and return to my desk.

Thorland masterfully crafts Kate Grey as a Quaker woman turned Rebel spy, who remains true to herself even as she changes into someone she doesn't recognize. The Revolutionay War was heart-wrenching and harrowing, and Thorland shows it in all its unsentimental detail. She doesn't need to embellish it - her scenes suggesting rape or worse don't need details to shock, even as we understand and abhor that such things happen in war. There is a hero and an anti-hero whom both tug at Kate's heart, and enough historical detail to keep the time period front and center without losing a reader with a short attention span.

My favorite part of this book, however, was the writing. The prose is breathtaking without being florid. Thorland writes like Ken Follett, at his best. High praise, as Follet is one of my all-time favorite authors.

My only criticism of the book is the ending, and I actually have to give kudos to Ms. Thorland for not giving into what was surely an urge to gift the protagonists with a story-book ending. I wanted a happily ever after (must be the romance reader in me). I didn't get it. Nor did I get clear closure on why the anti-hero made the choices he did in the end, against what seemed to be clear motivating factors on his part. However, I am adult enough to acknowledge that doesn't make the ending wrong.

Wonderful job, and I can't wait to see what Ms. Thorland produces next!

Get your The Turncoat Renegades Revolution Now!

Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

If you like Cross Creek you will love Idella

Idella Marjorie Rawlings Perfect Maid

Idella Marjorie Rawlings Perfect Maid

I am African American and Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings is one of my favorite authors. I loved Cross Creek and she is an excellent writer. However, I had to understand the times in which this book was written also I had to overlook demeaning remarks. If you can look pass these occasional remarks and see the dignity assigned to Martha Pickens and old Will, see the difference between truths and prejudices, relate to the author's life, you will enjoy Cross Creek. NOW, read Idella: Marjorie Rawlings' Perfect Maid and you won't be able to put it down. Miss Idella was a woman of her times and I felt I was reading about the lives of my grandmother, great grandmother and aunts. She gave me pieces of history left out by my relatives. I use to love for them to talk about their lives and the history and legacy given to me by them is priceless. Miss Idella wrote/told her story well and gave me a perspective I could relate to 100 percent. A must read!--full of pictures of her and her lovely family :)

Get your Idella Marjorie Rawlings Perfect Maid Now!

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Gave me the confidence to tackle darker skintones.

Realistic Watercolor Portraits Variety Ethnicities

Realistic Watercolor Portraits Variety Ethnicities

This book is a wonderful guide that takes you directly into portrait painting from a photo. What is excellent is the diversity of skin tones; I was able to use her layering method of transparent color and apply it to my own photos for pictures; I just match the skin from my photo to a portrait in the book. She also guides you all the way through to the end of the picture with all the important details that many authors gloss over; creating realistic shadow tones mixing and applying "crevice"darks- around nostrils, ear folds, eye lids etc. And other important finishing touches hair, eyelashes even facial hair.The author includes many useful tips inset on pages throughout the book as well as demonstrations for children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. The demos are very thorough and I find myself referring to it to create the palette for skin tones and shadows almost every time I sit to paint a figure. A terrific book that can add to your skill set and improve your understanding of creating vibrant transparent luminous skin and hair. Her method takes time, layering and allowing to dry up to 10 or 12 layers of transparent watercolor but the results are wonderful, this is not direct or spontaneous or alla primal approach but you can definitely learn tips on portrait painting you can use no matter what your preferred style but the book teaches you how to paint skin hair and fabric, not how to draw.Great book highly recommended!! A methodical approach that works!(I also like Charles Reid figure/portrait book which is completely 180 degrees in the opposite style but I think these two approaches can balance you to a happy medium)

Get your Realistic Watercolor Portraits Variety Ethnicities Now!

Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Another Winner from Coben

Six Years Harlan Coben

Six Years Harlan Coben

Harlan Coben puts his well known skill as a writer and story teller to good use in this novel, which is a combination love story and mystery. After a whirlwind summer romance at a retreat in Vermont, a young college professor is convinced that he has found the true love of his life, and that she feels the same way. Yet without explanation she suddenly tells him that she has decided to marry an ex-boyfriend and extracts his promise not to try to contact her in the future. He keeps that promise for six years--hence the title--until one day he reads the obituary of her husband. He goes to the funeral in the hope of seeing her, only to discover that she is nowhere to be found and a different woman claims to be the deceased's wife.

What should be a simple inquiry turns into a dangerous journey involving murder, a bank robbery, organized crime, witness protection, the NYPD and the FBI. Yet despite formidable obstacles, the college professor relentlessly pursues trying to find the love of his life.

Contrary to the negative reviews, I think Coben does a great job of developing an interesting story with unpredictable twists, lots of action, and a real surprise ending. He nicely ties everything together at the end, and along the way reveals just enough to keep the reader guessing without giving anything away. Although this is not the typical kind of novel that Coben writes, he has done a really great job here and provided a very entertaining read. Ignore the negative reviews and enjoy this novel.

Get your Six Years Harlan Coben Now!